Design & Planning

How to Plan Wall Treatments

I like to plan out my wall treatments on paper/the computer in advance. That way I know how much trim to order AND where to begin when I start my project!

plan wall treatments

It’s week 2 of the Spring 2020 One Room Challenge!  Today I’m diving into our room layout, and more specifically, I’m sharing how to plan wall treatments.  I also have all the up-to-date photos of our progress (spoiler, not much) – so let’s start! 

I realized that I didn’t share much about the layout or design elements in the room during week 1.  If you’re just starting to follow this room renovation now, you can always skip back to see more before photos.  (And read about me, our new home and about the One Room Challenge in general).


Follow This One Room Challenge Project

planning wall treatments

Anyways, today I have a video with the step-by-step details of how I came up with the wall treatment for our room.  I use Adobe Illustrator, but you can always work it out on paper if you follow this video

How to Plan Wall Treatments Video


Current Room Progress

The photo below will probably look similar to where we were at the end of last week.  

master bedroom before

I was hoping to get further along with our wall treatments, but realized early last week that my material didn’t come in!  I ordered it way back in March, then things started closing (and the ORC was pushed back) so I didn’t worry about it.  Turns out, the pieces I wanted were discontinued, and I had to order something else.  (Which we didn’t pick up until yesterday).

cutting zone in basement

We don’t have a garage at our new house (the plan was to build one this summer, but we’ll see what happens with COVID).  Right now, we’re cutting all our boards in the basement.  Thankfully the floors are just painted concrete, so cleanup is pretty easy.  Everything else in that room is also waiting for us to finish this room (aka the bed, rug and mirror).

10 x 12 bedroom layout

I think I forgot to share the floorplan of the room last week with the mockup.  Our bedroom is a simple 10×12 shape with a side closet and single window.  Luckily, the layout dictates the perfect location to place our bed, and I figured I would create a fun square board and batten feature on that wall!

Planning Our Wall Treatment

Essentially, I go through the same process when I’m designing wainscoting or any type of wall feature (including paint).  

I measure the floors and walls, create a to-scale drawing (usually on the computer), and include all the fixtures/things that are stuck.

how to plan wall treatments diagram

Once I figure out what type of wall treatment I want, I start to browse online to see what options are available.  I check retailer/manufacturer websites to get the actual dimensions of products and add them to my plans.

(The video, embedded above, shows the design steps in more detail).  You can always watch it on YouTube here

garbage bag window blinds

For this room, I knew that I would need to install my vertical sections first.  We took down the sliding closet doors (and will be building our own), so that was the first board that had to go up.  From there, I measured the dimensions again, because they differed a bit because of that. 

vertical batten on wall

The final piece of baseboard could also be added.  Notice in the photo above how the one piece of batten goes all the way to the floor?  That’s what I’ll use to install my door hinges, and we’ll put a different baseboard in the closet section.

vertical board and batten

Then I measured and cut the rest of the vertical pieces and waited for the Husband to come home so I could install them.  (I did it myself, I just have 3 little children and didn’t want to run the compressor and nail gun when they could run around willy nilly).  

OH!  And I realized that in my mockup that I shared last week, I show a top row along the ceiling for my battens.  If you scroll up, you’ll notice that I didn’t plan for that on my layout… but I think I might include it.

I shared a story/poll on my Instagram this morning – so we’ll see what the consensus is!  

how to plan wall treatments graphic

Right now, I’m just waiting on that decision, then I can go ahead and cut the horizontal sections for that wall.  THEN that will determine the height for the other three walls (I’m continuing just the bottom two squares around the room).  

The top 1/3 will have a cool floral wallpaper, and I’m excited to see it all together! 

Are you also linking a project for the One Room Challenge?  There are so many spaces this year, and I think it will be great motivation/fun for everyone that now find themselves at home more :)

Nicole Q-Schmitz name signoff

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