Renovation Progress

Our Striped Accent Wall

Our striped accent wall helps bring all the “crazy” and “wild” colours we used throughout the house into one cohesive location!

Our striped accent wall helps bring all the crazy and wild colours we used throughout the house into one cohesive location!

Hello All!  With just a few short days until Christmas, I thought it would be a good idea to wind down and talk about something a bit less festive.  That’s okay right?  Everyone’s probably all crazy stressed about the holidays; I figured I’d share something super quick and easy today – our striped accent wall!

You may remember the striped accent wall from posts such as “Living and Dining Room Tour” and “Happy Holiday Living Room” (I hope you read that in the voice of Troy McClure, if not – you should probably brush up on your Simpsons watching).

I also may have briefly mentioned it when I showed the Pink Room and the Blue Room.

Our striped accent wall helps bring all the crazy and wild colours we used throughout the house into one cohesive location!

Photo First Appeared in Living and Dining Room

Here is a photo in case you needed a reminder :)

BASICALLY, what we’ve done is added a horizontal stripe every time we’ve added a colour in our house.  The first stripe was the one right in the centre, the light green, which is the colour that our kitchen used to be.

Our striped accent wall helps bring all the crazy and wild colours we used throughout the house into one cohesive location!

Photo First Appeared in Simple Party Prep

Although technically, we first painted the living room and most of the wall Taupe (that’s the name of the Rona paint colour we used) except for the two stripes that flank the light green colour.  Our walls were just a bit darker and more brown when we moved in (which always disappoints your painting helpers/Husband… umm isn’t this the same colour?).  NO – it’s super different :)

Here is a handy diagram that shows where each paint colour is used!

Our striped accent wall helps bring all the crazy and wild colours we used throughout the house into one cohesive location!

The renovated bathroom is the top orange colour, the muted pink below that is the colour the bathroom was when we first painted it, the two dark stripes are actually the main colour in our master bedroom (I’m pretty sure) and of course that’s what the walls were in the living room too.

The large green stripe in the center is the colour our kitchen used to be, and yes, I am aware how close that colour matches our new kitchen!

We painted a red accent wall in our master bedroom, and again the blue is from the Blue Room, and the bottom pink is from the Pink Room.

Our striped accent wall helps bring all the crazy and wild colours we used throughout the house into one cohesive location!

Which leaves the main question, where will the other colours go?  Because obviously I plan on painting more and adding more to this wall!

SO I do have a few questions that maybe you can help answer?

  1. Do we take down any stripes when the rooms are no longer painted that colour?  Or keep adding?
  2. Should there be a stripe below the bottom pink one, or is that the lowest we should go?
  3. And a super-secret question that I will ask you next week!?

Okay I wanted three questions, but also I do have a question for next week, so make sure to be back to visit me then to find out what it is :)

In the meantime, here is a little mockup I did to show the next two sneak peek colours I want to paint!

Our striped accent wall helps bring all the crazy and wild colours we used throughout the house into one cohesive location!

In this future concept, I did 2 things, I eliminated the darker stripes and tweaked the green a bit (just to say it was different) but I did keep the other “unused” colours (so I don’t sway your decision about my first question).

The two next colours we will be painting?  Probably a light gray whenever we get around to painting the basement (I still need to show you how that space looks now, which I will do in the New Year) and some sort of PURPLE for our soonish-to-be constructed basement bathroom!  (And by soonish, I mean April/May of course).

Yay purple :)

(My favourite colour btw!)

Our striped accent wall helps bring all the crazy and wild colours we used throughout the house into one cohesive location!

And so I hope this post was a nice break from the holiday hustle and bustle!  Just remember, I am wanting some guidance/help on those three questions I asked (okay technically 2, but just remember to come back next week for the third!).  I hope you guys have a lovely Christmas and get to enjoy time with your friends and family, and remember that you can always “go crazy” and paint a striped accent wall in your house using all the colours!

I will never judge :)

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